NT-MDT Spectrum Instruments – research, production, sales and support  of wide range AFMs and AFM-Raman-Nano-IR Systems


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Force modulation Probes with PtIr conductive coating

Force Modulation Cantilevers FMG01 with PtIr conductive coating. Thickness of the coating is 20-30nm. Typical tip curvature radius is 35nm.
FMG01/Pt/15 (15 separated chips): $445 (Add to cart)
FMG01/Pt/50 (50 separated chips): $1,123 (Add to cart)
for Force Modulation Mode FMG01 series with PtIr conductive and reflective coatings, resonant frequency 47-90 kHz, force constant 1-5 N/m.
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