NT-MDT Spectrum Instruments – research, production, sales and support  of wide range AFMs and AFM-Raman-Nano-IR Systems


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Conductive Force Modulation Probes

Force Modulation Probes (FMG01 series) are available with one of the following conductive coatings - TiN, PtIr and Au. Please, choose the coating you are interested in and see the cantilever specificaitons which are available with this coating.
Force Modulation Cantilevers FMG01 with PtIr conductive coating. Thickness of the coating is 20-30nm. Typical tip curvature radius is 35nm.

Force Modulation Cantilevers FMG01 with TiN conductive coating. Thickness of the coating is 20-30nm. Typical tip curvature radius is 35nm.

Force Modulation Cantilevers FMG01 with Au conductive coating. Thickness of the coating is 20-30nm. Typical tip curvature radius is 35nm.
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