NT-MDT Spectrum Instruments – research, production, sales and support  of wide range AFMs and AFM-Raman-Nano-IR Systems


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Single crystal diamond cantilevers

Single crystal diamond high aspect ratio cantilevers are presented by a full diamond narrow needle attached to a tipless cantilever. This attachment is very strong and the probe can hold many scans without being destroyed by a tip-sample interaction.

$477 (Add to cart)
Single crystal full diamond high aspect ratio AFM probes for precise measurements of samples with high particles or deep trenches. Based on NSG30 cantilevers with resonant frequency 240-440kHz, force constant 22-100N/m, Au reflective coating. Tip cone angle is less than 10 degrees.
$477 (Add to cart)
Single crystal full diamond high aspect ratio AFM probes for precise measurements of samples with high particles or deep trenches. Based on FMG01 cantilevers with resonant frequency 40-96kHz, force constant 1-5N/m, Au reflective coating. Tip cone angle is less than 10 degrees.
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