Noncontact/Semicontact/Force Modulation AFM probes ETALON series
AFM cantilevers ETALON series for Noncontact/Semicontact/Force Modulation Modes with wide range of resonant frequencies and force constants.
Supplied with Au reflective coating, available without tips, with no coatings, with Pt conductive coating.
High Accuracy High Resonance frequency noncontact AFM probes HA_HR series, each chip has 2 cantilevers, resonant frequency 380 kHz / 230 kHz, force constant 34 N/m / 17 N/m.
High Accuracy NonContact AFM probes HA_NC series, each chip has 2 cantilevers, resonant frequency 235 kHz / 140 kHz, force constant 12 N/m / 3.5 N/m.
High Accuracy Force Modulation AFM probes HA_FM series, each chip has 2 cantilevers, resonant frequency 114 kHz / 77 kHz, force constant 6 N/m / 3.5 N/m.