NT-MDT Spectrum Instruments – research, production, sales and support  of wide range AFMs and AFM-Raman-Nano-IR Systems


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What is NanoBOND Club?

NanoBOND Club is a new bonus program by NT-MDT.

Now buying any product in our web-shop you collect the NanoBONDs-points which can be used as real money during the following purchases.

To join the NanoBOND Club you should only fill the form!


How to collect NanoBONDs?

The are 4 levels in NanoBOND Club:

Your level is: Beginning SILVER GOLD PLATINUM
Required purchase sum, Euro 0 850 3000 10000
Accumulation period - 2 years 2 years 2 years
For every  1 Euro of your
purchase you will get NanoBONDs
0 3 5 10

Your current level and the sum of NanoBONDs you can always check on your personal web-page.

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