NT-MDT Spectrum Instruments – research, production, sales and support  of wide range AFMs and AFM-Raman-Nano-IR Systems


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HA_FM/50 (50 separated chips): $964 (Add to cart)
HA_FM/15 (15 separated chips): $329 (Add to cart)

Specification of HA_FM probe series:

 Polysilicon lever,
 monocrystal silicon tip
 Chip size  3.6 x 1.6 x 0.4 mm
 Reflective side  Au
 Cantilever number  2 rectangular
 Tip shape  Octahedral at the base, conic on the last 200nm
 Tip cone angle φ  30 degrees on the last 200nm
 Full tip height  ≥10 µm
 Pedestal/tip ratio  1:1
 Tip curvature radius  less than 10nm




Cantilever type A B Typical dispersion
Length, L (µm) 223 183 ± 2
Width, W (µm) 34 34 ± 3
Thickness, H (µm) 3 3 ± 0.15
Force Constant (N/m) 3.5 6 ±20%
Resonant frequency (kHz) 77 114 ± 10%



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