NT-MDT Spectrum Instruments – research, production, sales and support  of wide range AFMs and AFM-Raman-Nano-IR Systems


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St. Jolly Roger
Dr. Mikhail Shaleev
Rating: 9375
Clusters of silver in an amorphous carbon matrix 3D
Dr. Ryaguzov
Rating: 12
Clusters of silver in an amorphous carbon matrix.
Dr. Ryaguzov
Rating: 4
Swimming E.coli
Dr. Li Ang
Rating: 718
AFM image of human skin collagen
Mr. Novikov V.A.
Rating: 14
Wing of mosquito
Mr. Novikov V.A.
Rating: 17
Surfactant Micelles on HOPG
Dr.Hannes Schniepp
Rating: 12
Surface Patterning using Ion Beams 20x20 nm
Mr. P. Santhana Raman
Rating: 5
Surface Patterning using Ion Beams 7x7 nm
Mr. P. Santhana Raman
Rating: 4
Ant eye
Dr. Jan Soltys
Rating: 44
Aluminium-doped zinc oxide thin films prepared by sol-gel route
Rating: 10
Porous Silicon with Fractal Structure
Dr. D. Gaev, S. Rekhviashvili
Rating: 5
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