NT-MDT Spectrum Instruments – research, production, sales and support  of wide range AFMs and AFM-Raman-Nano-IR Systems


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Ribbon Ocean Waves
Miss. Gizem Durak
Rating: 13
Mr. Jonathan Berson
Rating: 436
Сapsulated bacteria
Dr. Li Ang
Rating: 257
Nickel based superalloy
Dr. Marinello Francesco
Rating: 56
Germanium quantum dots
Mr. Joseph Kassim
Rating: 30
Germanium quantum dots
Mr. Joseph Kassim
Rating: 26
AFM image of complex: single protein (Trypsin) - single wall carbon nanotube (SWCN)
Dr. Eva Bystrenova
Rating: 17
AFM image of complex: single protein (Trypsin) - single wall carbon nanotube (SWCN)
Dr. Eva Bystrenova
Rating: 32
Bacterial cells
Mr. Dmitry Bagrov
Rating: 10
Ironoxide Y junction
Mr. Manoth Mathew
Rating: 409
Iron oxide nano rods phase imaging
Mr. Manoth Mathew
Rating: 35
Iron oxide nano rods
Mr. Manoth Mathew
Rating: 14
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