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Microchannel plate 3D

Not etched block of a microchannel plate surface.
The microchannel plate (MCP) represents the multichannel converter and the amplifier possessing unique properties of photoelectrons, such as the big gain coefficient, the high spatial and time permission and can be used in devices of night vision, equipment of electronic spectroscopy and microscopy, mass spectrometry, x-ray astronomy, at carrying out of nuclear researches etc.
MCP consist of a considerable quantity of thin glass tubes, diameter of an order 5-10 micrometer connected with each other by means of swimming trunks and cut on thin plates. Each tube - the microchannel work as the secondary electrons multiplier.
Author: Dr. Vladimir A. Smirnov
Organization: Taganrog Institute of Technology - Southern Federal University
Scan size: 90x90 um
Probes used: Etalon HA_NC
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